学生发展 provides programs 和 services that foster an inclusive, 培养, 和 challenging community; optimizes transformative student learning 和 leadership; builds a safe 和 supportive campus; fosters the emotional growth 和 personal development of students for a lifelong commitment to personal 和 social responsibility, 和 makes a positive contribution to the overall student experience.

重要的资源 & 信息

  • 偏见教育 & 反应小组(BERT):偏见教育 & 反应小组(BERT) is a small group of faculty, staff 和 students who are committed to addressing bias wherever it may occur within the Wittenberg community.
  • Drug Free Schools 和 Community Act Notification: In accordance with the Drug-Free Schools 和 Communities Act Amendments of 1989 和 the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, this notification is being sent to each Wittenberg University student.
  • Reporting Incidents on Campus: The Office of 学生的行为 encourages you to play a vital part in addressing incidents that affect you, your peers 和 your campus.
  • Student Complaint System: Wittenberg University maintains a systemic approach to student 投诉. Various types of student grievances, 投诉, 和 appeals are h和led by multiple processes 和 departments.
  • Anti-Hazing政策: Hazing in any form is an inappropriate activity 和 a violation of Wittenberg's Statement of 任务 (to develop the whole person intellectually, 精神上, 社会, 和 physically) 和 is contrary to the purpose of this academic institution 和 the positive development of individual members of our community.
  • 学生应急基金: The 学生应急基金 was created to assist Wittenberg University students who encounter an unforeseen financial emergency or events which would otherwise prevent them from continuing their education at Wittenberg.
  • 第九条: 第九条 prohibits gender discrimination in all programs 和 activities of a university such as Wittenberg. It also requires that universities be proactive in preventing discrimination 和 in responding to concerns or allegations of discrimination including, 但不限于, 骚扰和攻击.
  • 紧急关闭 & 程序: In the case of an emergency or weather-related issues, this website will serve as the primary source for information 和 updates.
  • P和emic Flu Response Plan: Because it is impossible to predict the full effects of the emergence of a new flu virus, instead of a detailed action plan, Wittenberg’s plan provides a general framework 和 recommended actions to be considered in the event of an outbreak of p和emic flu.
  • Resolving Student Complaints Under the Americans With Disabilities Act 和 the Rehabilitation Act of 1973: Wittenberg University prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. The purpose of this procedure is to provide a prompt 和 equitable process for resolving student disability discrimination grievances. Employee 和 十大正规赌博平台大全排行or grievances are not within the scope of these procedures 和 should be submitted pursuant to the separate 申诉程序 relating to 投诉 under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 和 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as set forth in the Employee H和book. Nothing in this procedure replaces any other University policy or procedure.
  • 学生关怀小组: CARE Team is a network of Wittenberg faculty 和 staff who meet regularly to identify, 监控, 和, if necessary provide integrated 和 intentional support for students.
  • 消费者信息 & 披露的信息: This resource is provided to meet the requirements for compliance with the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA), for colleges 和 universities that participate in federal student financial aid programs.
  • 选民的信息
